Saturday, May 06, 2006

Not related to Africa at all.

To everyone who knows and loves me: the play that I am in this summer got accepted to the NYC fringe festival which is so amazingly cool. This means that you have three opportunities to see me act this summer if you so choose. Kansas City at the end of July, Minneapolis at the beginning of August and New York City in mid August.
The details are as follows:
Higher Power
Written by: Sam Ryan
Directed by: Chris Plante
Abe – Colin Hunt
Seth – Chris Littler
Holly – Me
Everyone should come see it if humanly feasible. I wouldn’t have agreed to be in it if I didn’t think it was utterly and completely amazingly well written.


At 11:40 AM, Blogger Michael said...

I'll be in DC in early-mid August, maybe I could take the train down. When does the show run? Also, does this mean you'll miss the wedding?

Love you, m

At 10:51 AM, Blogger Lark(e) said...

I am going to try my absolute hardest to make it back. I bought a dress for it and everything. so yeah, if it means flying in for a couple of days and then flying out, I may very well do that.


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