Saturday, March 04, 2006

Random stuff

Its been a lovely few weeks. I’ve fallen into a routine which is nice. I plan to ignore the fact that I have been here for five weeks as of today and that time is going waaaay to fast. I’m enjoying things.
A few things of note:
1) I saw a dance gala thing last night in which four short pieces were done. The first was a very funny but a bit too ironic piece about Zimbabwe that had a live chicken onstage. The second was possibly the most gorgeous man I have ever seen in my life pretending to be a bird (and really capturing it) and the fourth was two men doing physically impossible lifts and throws.
But the third one was my favorite.
When the piece first starts this Indian woman dances onstage dancing a traditional Indian temple dance. But then she suddenly joined by a tall African man dancing a Zulu dance. Then another Indian woman and another African man join until the stage is full of African Men and Indian Women. The choreographer blended and mixed the two traditions until you couldn’t tell them apart. It’s almost impossible to describe. But it was breath taking.
2) went with a friend to vote. He voted. I just hung around and marveled at how voting in the new south Africa is just as boring as voting in the old usa. BUT because this country takes voting seriously, it was a public holiday so I had the day off school. These weren’t even national elections either, just municipal. ANC won 90% of the vote in Jo’burg.
Also they mark peoples fingers with permanent ink. And the ballots have pictures.
3) Fall break is a week away. I still don’t know where I am going. 5 months is not enough time, I am quickly discovering.


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